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Bitcoin Wednesday 26

Bitcoin Wednesday 84 Event Image
Bitcoin Wednesday 26 on 5 August 2015 features Casey Kuhlman, CEO of the Ethereum-based Eris Industries, and Hans de Zwart, director of Dutch digital rights organization Bits of Freedom.

Bitcoin Wednesday Flyer for the 26th consecutive monthly edition of Bitcoin Wednesday

Check back soon for the full program for Bitcoin Wednesday 26, the August 2015 edition of Bitcoin Wednesday.

You are invited to join us once again on 5 August 2015 for another program revolving around the important recurring theme of cryptocurrencies in Dutch society.  As you’ve come to expect, networking will be at the heart of this event: run into your old, familiar Bitcoin Wednesday friends and colleagues and tell stories about the early days; meet the newcomers and share your ideas about the future.  After a few presentations, there will be ample opportunity for networking at the bar.

Mark your calendar for the first Wednesday of August so that we can raise a toast together to the increasing role of Bitcoin in Dutch society.

Bitcoin Wednesday is free.  All membership is free.  So that the digital currency revolution leaves no one behind, please bring colleagues, friends, family and neighbors with you.

After all of the night’s presentations have been given we meet at the bar to talk about the night’s events and to network with the other members of the Dutch digital currency community.

Bitcoin Wednesday is an accessible event for anyone who has interest in digital currencies or the related technologies, a great chance to meet other like-minded professionals, and exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere.

Mark it down in your agenda; join us on Wednesday at 17:00. The conference itself begins at 19:00, but we gather earlier at the bar for networking.



Conference Program


Rob van der Wouw is a sponsor of the Amsterdam-based foundation for digital rights, Bits of Freedom.  He is also a self-employed professional network specialist, certified ethical hacker, owner of Eureka Unlimited and co-owner of ICT infrastructure company Redlogic.  Rob will give a presentation on the basics of PGP key signing, followed by a short demonstration of how it is done. A PGP key signing is an example of public key cryptography, a technology at the heart of the Bitcoin protocol and one that is essential for understanding how Bitcoin works.

After the public demo Rob will also supervise a live key signing, giving some Bitcoin Wednesday members the opportunity to meet after the talk and to verify each other’s online identities as well as their corresponding PGP public keys.  If you want to participate in the live key signing, please complete and submit this special form.


Executive Director of Bits of Freedom Hans de Zwart will give a keynote address.  In his talk he will explore the relationship between Bitcoin and current Dutch digital rights issues like the newly proposed bill on the secret services, the hacking proposal for the Dutch police, copyright enforcement, data retention or net neutrality. He will also touch on whether the blockchain can help us create distributed serverless websites making it harder for governments to interfere with freedom of expression.





If you missed Casey Kuhlman‘s excellent talk at Bitcoin Wednesday in 2014, he’s back for this month’s conference.  This time he’ll talk through the various components of how a typical blockchain application is structured as well as how he solves real world business problems with smart contracts and blockchain technology.  Casey is the co-founder and CEO of Eris Industries, a team of experts specialized in the development of distributed applications.






Christoph Auer-Welsbach, program director of Rockstart, will give an introduction to one of Amsterdam’s best-known startup accelerator programs, and will tell us about the kind of support he believes is particularly important for cryptocurrency startups.








Image Produced by DATTOO Facial Recognition Project

For the first time during Bitcoin Wednesday, two talented artists, Christina Yarashevich and Janne van Hoof, will present their work:  DATTOO allows you to reclaim your biometric data, and addresses critical issues such as data collection, cryptography, identity, privacy and the popularization of technology.





The following subjects will also be presented:

Also on 5 August, The Bitcoin Foundation of The Netherlands will conduct its second poll for 2015 about the needs and concerns of the Dutch digital currency community. The results of the first poll taken on 4 February can be found here. Based on recent developments and our progress or lack thereof, there will be a discussion, followed by a poll to see how the sector’s priorities have changed.

Please note: If you can’t make it on 5 August for any reason, you can still mail comments for discussion and suggestions that can be put to the vote.