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Andreas Antonopoulos, Bitcoin Advocate

Edward Snowden and Andreas Antonopoulos

On Bitcoin Wednesday’s Special Edition on 19 October 2016, we’ll hear from one of the world’s most prominent authorities and visionaries on the subject of Bitcoin, Andreas M. Antonopoulos.

Mr. Antonopoulos, who is half-Greek, half-British, first became fascinated by information technology as a young child in Greece.  He later went to the University College of London where he earned a degree in Computer Science, Data Communications and Distributed Systems.  During his university years he was inspired by the pioneering work of David Chaum on DigiCash and the crypto wars of the early 90s, when the U.S. government fought to restrict the world’s access to cryptography.

Mr. Antonopoulos later co-founded and managed a technology research company in the U.S. where he consulted for Fortune 500 companies and published more than 200 articles on security, cloud computing and data centers.  Since then he has helped launch a number of Bitcoin-related startups and initiated several projects for the open source community. In 2014 he was asked to become a teaching fellow with the University of Nicosia, the first university in the world to offer a Masters Degree in Digital Currency. He also has two patents in networking and security and authored the book “Mastering Bitcoin” published by O’Reilly that Balaji Srinivasan of Andreesen Horowitz called “the best technical reference available on bitcoin today.”  Another book published in September 2016 called “The Internet of Money” aims to explain why Bitcoin matters.

He is internationally recognized for his ability to make complex technical subjects understandable, a skill which has earned him hundreds of invitations to speak for conferences, talk shows and board rooms around the world.  His presentation to Canada’s Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce is universally acclaimed for its accuracy and clarity.

Andreas Antonopoulos has been invited by the Dutch Bitcoin Foundation to speak directly with Dutch lawmakers and regulators and television broadcasters due to his clear perspective on the economic potential of the technology and the unique challenges and conflicts it poses for banks and governments.  You can follow him, @aantonop, on Twitter.

For the presentation on 19 October, 2016 Mr. Antonopoulos will appear live and in person.  He previously participated in the April 2016 and April 2015 editions of Bitcoin Wednesday by video conference.

You can also watch the videos of his preliminary presentation on 19 October 2016 and his exceptional keynote entitled “Streaming Money.