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Chris Speed, Co-Director of Design Informatics

Chris Speed, Chair of Design Informatics at the University of Edinburgh

Chris Speed is Co-Director of the Design Informatics Research Centre and Chair of Design Informatics at the University of Edinburgh.  At Bitcoin Wednesday on 6 April, 2016 he will talk about the blockchain in product design.

The first part of Chris’ talk will reflect on a workshop he developed to help designers consider cryptocurrency in their work.  The second part will explore how the Centre for Design Informatics is currently researching the applications for blockchain technology for smart contracting.  Chris’ research focuses on the network society, digital art and technology, and the Internet of things.  At the Centre for Design Informatics he works with a group of researchers across the fields of interaction design, temporal design, anthropology, software engineering and cryptocurrencies.

In his previous research Chris has experimented with combining Google maps with historical maps, explored parallels between society and virtual communities, and studied the use of mobile communication in personal travel planning.  He trained as a fine artist using code as his medium of expression. From Random Lift buttons to a providing a personal feed to his toilet paper use, he is excited by the possibilities that new forms of currency can bring to how we represent value.

He currently conducts workshops on the blockchain using Lego bricks like one he did in February 2016 for the Industrial Design students at the Technical University in Delft.