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Token Distribution: Lessons Learned

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The hype around token distribution campaigns continues apace in 2016.  During Bitcoin Wednesday on 2 November 2016, Dave Pearce and Bas Wisselink will talk about the lessons learned in their well-managed snapshot and distribution of tokens for Ardor shares to all Nxt account holders.  Nothing more than basic Nxt blockchain tools were used to execute this plan and, remarkably, the NXT Foundation decided to forego direct crowdfunding and simply gave the Ardor away to the existing Nxt community.

There is a growing movement in the industry to stop pretending that these sales are real asset markets and to start talking about them as support mechanisms for blockchain startups.  Token distribution programs are like kickstarter campaigns for tech startups with the same risk-reward profile.

Dave and Bas will talk about the upcoming milestones for Ardor:

See: The NXT 2.0 Overview for more details.