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Video: Blockchain Technology in Context

Egbert-Jan Sol of TNO

Egbert-Jan Sol, CTO of TNO Industry, a leading research institution in The Netherlands, explained Blockchain technology in a Dutch context in this presentation given during Bitcoin Wednesday on 7 June, 2017.

Dr. Sol is also an initiator of The National Blockchain Coalition.  His profile can be found here.

Some of the topics he covered in this talk are:

Where blockchain technology fits in the evolution of software development;

Byzantine Fault Tolerance explained;

Consensus Theory;

Why it helps that the Dutch are consensus minded;

An example of how blockchain technology can be used in a logistical network in Rotterdam harbor;

The importance of secure digital identity;

The challenge of adapting legacy systems to blockchain technology; and

Transparency, accountability, trust.

During the Q&A following the presentation he explains:

How companies can make money with Blockchain technology;

Some societal implications, including preparing and retraining society for these changes;

Permissioned vs. Permissionless Blockchains; and

Why we (still) need banks and the kinds of services they might delivery in the future.